Sanctuaries in the Snow

The Interski Photo Board (Aspen Mountain)

This photo board is on Aspen Mountain, up above Bonnie's, and was put there by Peter King.  The 8th International Ski Congress was held at Aspen in 1968. 

Here is a quote from this web page  "INTERSKI had it's beginning in Zurs, Austria, in 1951. The war had been over for 6 years and it was a time for healing and a time to proceed with life and business. Representatives of the European alpine nations met to share information on technique and teaching methodology. INTERSKI Congresses initially were held every 2 years. The events were held every 3 years for a time and since 1971, they have been held every 4 years. The first country out-side of Europe to host an INTERSKI Congress was the USA. This Congress was held in Aspen, Colorado in 1968. Since that time, they have been held in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Japan, Italy, Canada, and Austria. The last Congress was in January 2007 in YongPyong (Korea). The next INTERSKI Congress will be held in St. Anton a. A. (Austria) in January 2011. From those humble beginnings in central Europe in 1951, INTERSKI has grown to a World Wide Organization. The Congresses attract the best skiers of every nation, the ski media, industry specialists, equipment suppliers and thousands of participants."

A photo of the photo board is below, and also a photo of a nearby directional sign.  Also see the Chicago Tribune photo below; according to the sign in this photo, the dates of the event in Aspen were April 19-28, 1968.  For more photos, see this Facebook photo album (you do not need a Facebook account to view this album):

David ("Scooter") LaCouter is one of the men in the photo board photo, and he also signed it.  For more information on him and the "Scooter's Chute" sign (including a photo of him standing in front of the photo board), see this page on this web site:  "Scooter's Chute" is located not too far away from this photo board.

See this April 5, 2018 Aspen Times article about a 50th anniversary reunion:

This item is part of a Facebook photo album that covers various signs and plaques on Aspen Mountain (you do not need to have a Facebook account in order to view the album):

If you have any information about this item that you would like to share for use on this page, please send to the author at [email protected].

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