Sanctuaries in the Snow

Tish's Big Foot Traverse (Snowmass)

Tish's Big Foot Traverse is located near the Scooper run on Snowmass, and is marked by a big sign at the entrance that says "Tish's Big Foot Traverse."  This traverse is not shown on the regular trail map, but is shown on the "Kids' Mountain Guide" as "The Big Foot Trail."

Many thanks to Tom Goode who, in March 2012, told the author that this traverse is named after Tish Bartlett.  Tom went on to say, "She was a kid's instructor for years in Snowmass ski school, and after that she worked in the kids cave for the kids ski school, kids that were not able to ski all day with their classes.  Her daughter Lucy (Cerise) still teaches for the snowmass ski school."

Photos of it are below.  And to see even more photos of it, see this Facebook photo album (you do not need to have a Facebook account in order to view the album): 

If you have any photos of or information about this item that you would like to share for use on this page, please send to the author at [email protected].

Click on images to enlarge.