Sanctuaries in the Snow

The Bill Heldman Bench (Billy's Bench) (Snowmass)

This bench is located in the Snowmass Mall.  "Billy's Bench" is carved into the back of the bench, and there is also a metal plate on it reading as follows:

In memory of our friend Bill Heldman.  The joy he brought to

life was an inspiration.  Wherever he was, was love and sunshine. 

The Aspen Board of Realtors established a Bill Heldman memorial scholarship fund in 1985 as a tribute in memory of Bill Heldman.  In 1997 Stark King's name was added and it is now known as the "Bill Heldman-Stark King Memorial Scholarship Fund."

Photos of the bench and plaque are below.

If you have any photos of or information about this item that you would like to share for use on this page, please send to the author at [email protected].


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