Sanctuaries in the Snow

The Bryce Maple Plaque (Aspen Mountain)

This plaque is on the wall at Bonnie's at Ajax.  It states:  "2005--Thirty Years of Skiing to Bonnie's--4,900,500 Vertical Feet--Bryce Maple."

Bryce worked at Bonnie's Restaurant under three different owners:  Gretl Uhl, Bonnie Rayburn, and Brigitte Birrfelder.  Bryce is the mother of Marlene Mickey who is the assistant manager at Bonnie's.  See this December 2015 Aspen Times article:

In the 2014 Nature Valley NASTAR National Championships competition at Snowmass Bryce Maple won first place in gold division, female 80-84. See:

If you have any information about this item that you would like to share for use on this page, please send to the author at [email protected].

A photo of the plaque is below.

Also this item is part of a Facebook photo album that covers various signs and plaques on Aspen Mountain (you do not need to have a Facebook account in order to view the album):


Click on images to enlarge.