Sanctuaries in the Snow

The Hangman’s Noose (Aspen Mountain)

The Hangman’s Noose is located near the Hanging Tree run on Aspen Mountain.  According to Neal Beidleman (p. 30 of his 2006 book Aspen Ski and Snowboard Guide), "a hangman's noose has swung there for decades."    Also see the December 28, 2012 article in the Aspen Daily News by Curtis Wackerle, "Hanging Tree noose on Ajax a curious relic of Aspen in the ’70s" which is reproduced below. This article contains much of the history of this noose. This is the link to this article:

For more information about this noose, see this Facebook photo album (you do not need to have a Facebook account in order to view the album): 

A photo of the noose is below.

If you have any photos of or information about this item that you would like to share for use on this page, please send to the author at [email protected].


Click on images to enlarge.
